We are pleased to inform you that the first release of the Next Generation GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud REST API is going to be released in a few days. The GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud is a platform independent document manipulation REST API, that can be used with any language. It will be available very soon to be integrated with your applications for seamless performance and document conversion features utilization, using a simple set of requests.

Introduction - GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud

GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud REST API will enable you to convert many supported documents into another document or image format, watermarking, options to set the resolution and quality settings in the converted document.

Features - GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud

The GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud REST API will support converting over 50 documents and image formats to Words, Cells, Html, PDF, Slides and Image formats for the whole document, page by page or custom range of pages with storage url and stream output.

Supported Features:GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud REST API will support many features like:

  • PDF Document Conversion with Storage URL and Stream Output
  • Words Document Conversion with Storage URL and Stream Output
  • Cells Document Conversion with Storage URL and Stream Output
  • Slides Document Conversion with Storage URL and Stream Output
  • HTML Document Conversion with Storage URL and Stream Output
  • Image File Conversion with Storage URL and Stream Output
  • Watermarking pages
  • Converting page by page or custom range of pages
  • Specifying output document resolution and quality when applicable
  • Password protect output document when output format support it

Security and Authentication

The GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud is a secured REST API. It requires authentication using an app access key ID (appSID) and app secret access key with URL Signing or OAuth 2.0 authorization header. You can see the complete details here.

API Explorer

There will be an easy way to try out our API right away in your browser with the GroupDocs Cloud Web API References Explorer. There will be a collection of Swagger documentation for the GroupDocs Cloud APIs. You can get information about all the resources in the API. It will also provide testing and interactivity to our API endpoint documentation.


GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud will come with SDKs such as a .NET SDK hosted on our GitHub repository along with working examples, to get you started in no time.

Our First Version

We are currently in the process of preparing Examples and Documentation for this new product. We have planned to release the first version of GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud with our monthly release of January 2018 along with all tools, SDKs and features shared above. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to write on GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud Forum. Please stay tuned, we will share more details shortly.