We are pleased to announce Next Generation GroupDocs.Storage Cloud 18.3. It is a new and improved REST API for performing different Storage related operations in Cloud Applications/Websites. Following are some major features offered in first version of Next Generation GroupDocs.Storage Cloud. For complete details of features offered by Next Generation GroupDocs.Storage Cloud REST API, please check documentation and API References.

Upload a Particular File

You can easily upload your files to your preferred cloud storage using Groupdocs.Storage Cloud API. Please see the following REST command(Curl) and SDK example for the purpose.

Rest example(cURL)

curl -v "[https://api.groupdocs.cloud/v1.0/storage/file?path=testfile.doc"](https://api.groupdocs.cloud/v1.0/storage/file?path=testfile.doc)
-X PUT \
-T C:/testfile.doc \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” 

.NET SDK example

var configuration = new Configuration { AppSid = Sid,AppKey = Key};
StorageApi apiInstance = new StorageApi(configuration);
PutCreateRequest request = new PutCreateRequest();
request.Path = "testfile.doc";
request.File = File.Open("D://testfile.doc", FileMode.Open);
request.VersionId = null;
var response = apiInstance.PutCreate(request);
Debug.Print("File Uploaded: " + response.Code.ToString());
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception while calling PutCreate: " + e.Message);

Download a Particular File

GroupDocs.Storage Cloud API allows you to download specific file from your preferred cloud storage. Please note by default API works with GroupDocs Cloud Storage. If you want to use a Cloud Storage other than GroupDocs Cloud Storage, you need to configure Third Party Storage with Groupdocs for Cloud. Please follow the instructions at this page to configure your required storage. Please see the following REST command(Curl) and .NET SDK example for downloading a particular file. Rest example(cURL)

curl -v "[https://api.groupdocs.cloud/v1.0/storage/file?path=signature.jpg"][6] \
-X GET \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” 

.NET SDK example

var configuration = new Configuration { AppSid = Sid,AppKey = Key};
StorageApi apiInstance = new StorageApi(configuration);
GetDownloadRequest request = new GetDownloadRequest();
request.Path = "signature.jpg";
request.Storage = "MyStorage";
request.VersionId = null;
var response = apiInstance.GetDownload(request);
Debug.Print("Result as System.IO.Stream: " + response.Length.ToString());
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception while calling GetDownload: " + e.Message);


GroupDocs.Storage Cloud API is providing SDKs to use its features in your favorite platform. Currently .NET and PHP SDKs are included. We are in process to introduce SDKs for other popular platforms e.g. Ruby, Java, Python etc. The SDKs are hosted on our GitHub repository along with working examples, to get you started in no time. GroupDocs.Storage Cloud SDKs include the following features:

  • SDKs are fully sync with the API Reference
  • Classes, methods and properties have comments and are IDE-friendly
  • Usage of Request/Response classes to represent long lists of parameters.
  • License disclaimers in source code
  • Our SDKs support OAuth 2.0 authentication

API Explorer

The GroupDocs Cloud provides a Web API explorer to try out our API right away in your browser. It is a collection of Swagger documentation for the GroupDocs Cloud APIs. Using Web API explorer, you can get information about all the resources in the API. It also provides testing and interactivity to our API endpoint documentation. Please click here for to explore GroupDocs.Storage Cloud APIs.

GroupDocs.Storage Cloud Resources

Following are the links to some useful resources you may need to accomplish your tasks.

Start a Free Trial Today

Start a free trial today – all you need is to sign up with the GroupDocs Cloud service. Once you have signed up, you are ready to try the powerful file processing features offered by GroupDocs Cloud.