We are glad to announce Next Generation GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud 18.3 REST API release for public use. This release is introducing enhanced performance and PHP SDK along with few bug fixes. This API can be used in your applications for document conversion features utilization, please click here for further details.

GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud - Improvements and Fixes

GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud is a REST API that supports conversion of almost all major documents and image formats to Words, Cells, Html, PDF, Slides and Image formats for the whole document, page by page or custom range of pages. Some major changes in current release are as following. You may visit release notes for complete details.

  • Introduction of PHP SDK for GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud
  • Some API methods return error 401
  • Get all possible conversions return invalid response

GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud - PHP SDK

GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud PHP SDK is introduced this version. It is a wrapper around REST APIs, that allows you to work with GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud REST APIs in PHP 5.5 or higher quickly and easily, gaining all benefits of strong types and IDE highlights. The distribution is available at Packagist and the source code at GitHub.

GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud API Resources

You may visit the following API resources for getting started and working with the API.

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Start a free trial today – all you need is to sign up with the GroupDocs Cloud service. Once you have signed up, you are ready to try the powerful file processing features offered by GroupDocs Cloud.