How to Convert EXCEL to JSON and JSON to EXCEL in Python

Convert EXCEL to JSON and JSON to EXCEL in Python

Excel table data can be transformed into an array of objects presented in JSON format. Each object corresponds to a row within the table. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) stands as the most widely used structured data exchange format today. JSON data serves as a means of representing objects or arrays, offering readability and ease of parsing, even when dealing with Excel data. Should you need to transfer tabular data or store structured data in a tabular format, you’ll need to perform format conversions between EXCEL and JSON, as well as JSON to EXCEL. In this article, I will illustrate how to perform EXCEL to JSON and JSON to EXCEL conversions using Python.

The following topics are covered in this article:

Python EXCEL to JSON and JSON to EXCEL API - Installation

To facilitate the conversion of JSON files into Excel sheets and Excel files into JSON format, the GroupDocs.Conversion offers a set of APIs dedicated to this process. In this guide, we will leverage the capabilities of the Python SDK for GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud API to perform the conversion tasks. This Python library is renowned for its feature-rich nature and platform independence, making it a robust solution for converting various types of documents and images. It boasts rapid and high-quality conversion support for a wide array of compatible file formats, including but not limited to word-processing documents, spreadsheets, presentations, images, and more.

You can install Python conversion SDK into your Python application using the following command in the console:

pip install groupdocs_conversion_cloud

Please get your Client ID and Secret from the dashboard before following the mentioned steps. Once you have your ID and secret, add code in your python application:

How to Convert EXCEL to JSON using Python

You can convert excel to json file by following the simple steps mentioned below:

Upload the File

Firstly, upload the excel file to the cloud using the code example given below:

As a result, the uploaded excel file will be available in the files section of your dashboard on the cloud.

Excel to JSON Conversion in Python

The following steps allow converting the excel files to json format programmatically in the Python applications.

  • Firstly, create an instance of the ConvertApi
  • Then, create convert settings instance using ConvertSettings
  • Next, provide the files storage name
  • Set input excel file path and output format as “json”
  • Then, set the load_options and output_path
  • After that, create the ConvertDocumentRequest with ConvertSettings as an argument
  • Finally, convert pdf to excel by calling the convert_document() with ConvertDocumentRequest

The following code sample shows how to change Excel to JSON format using Python:

How to Convert EXCEL to JSON using Python

How to Convert EXCEL to JSON using Python

Finally, the above code sample will save the JSON file on the cloud. This is the best way to convert xlsx to json file.

Download the Converted File

The above code sample will save the converted excel to json file on the cloud. You can download it using the following code sample:

How to Convert JSON to EXCEL using Python

You can easily convert JSON files to Excel files (.xlsx) using Python SDK. The following steps listed are for converting the JSON file to Excel file in your Python applications.

  • First, create an instance of the ConvertApi
  • Then, create convert settings instance using ConvertSettings
  • Next, provide the your cloud storage name
  • Set input JSON file path and output format as “excel”
  • Then, set the output file path
  • Now, create the ConvertDocumentRequest with ConvertSettings as an argument
  • Finally, convert pdf to excel code online by calling the convert_document() method with ConvertDocumentRequest

The following code sample shows how to turn JSON format to excel file using Python:

How to Convert JSON to EXCEL using Python

How to Convert JSON to EXCEL using Python

Finally, the above code sample will save the Excel file on the cloud.

Free Online JSON and Excel Converter

How to Convert Excel to JSON Array Online? Excel To JSON Converter converts excel file to JSON online. There is a free online Excel to JSON converter and online JSON to Excel converter free. It has been developed using the Groupdocs.Conversion Cloud REST APIs.


To conclude, you learned how to convert the JSON files to excel format and also the conversion of excel files to JSON format programmatically . Now you understand:

  • how to convert XlSX to JSON programmatically;
  • programmatically upload files and download converted files;
  • how to convert JSON to XLSX using python ;

Furthermore, you have the opportunity to expand your understanding of the GroupDocs.Conversion file format conversion API through the documentation or by exploring practical examples on GitHub. For a more hands-on experience, we offer an API Reference section that enables you to visualize and interact with our APIs directly within your web browser.

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