
Extract Text from PDF using Python

Extract Text from PDF Documents programmatically on the cloud. Read text from specific page range or from a document inside container. This article will be focusing on how to Extract Text from PDF Documents using a REST API in Python.
· Muzammil Khan · 4 min

Edit PDF Metadata in C# - PDF Metadata Editor

Install GroupDocs.Metadata Cloud SDKs for .NET and edit PDF metadata in C# Programmatically. It also offers a web-based online metadata editor.
· Muzammil Khan · 3 min

Edit Signatures in Signed PDF Documents using Python

Update or Replace e-signatures in your signed PDF Documents programmatically on the cloud. This article will be focusing on how to Edit Signatures in PDF Documents using a REST API in Python.
· Muzammil Khan · 4 min

Sign PDF Documents with QR Code using Python

Sign PDF Documents with QR Code programmatically on the cloud. This article will be focusing on how to Sign PDF Documents with QR Code using a REST API in Python.
· Muzammil Khan · 3 min

Compare Word Documents using Python

Compare two or more Word documents programmatically on the cloud. This article will be focusing on how to compare two or more Word documents using a REST API in Python.
· Muzammil Khan · 4 min

Convert MPP to PDF using Python

Convert Microsoft Project data from MPP to PDF file programmatically on the cloud. This article will be focusing on how to convert Microsoft Project MPP to PDF using a REST API in Python.
· Muzammil Khan · 4 min

Annotate Word Files using Python

This article will be focusing on how to annotate DOCX files using a REST API in Python. Annotations usually are metadata in the form of comments, notes, explanations, or other types of external remarks in the document providing additional information about an existing piece of data.
· Muzammil Khan · 4 min

Render Project Data to PDF using Python

Microsoft Project data can easily be rendered to PDF without installing any external application. As a Python developer, you can render MPP or MPT files in PDF programmatically on the cloud. This article will be focusing on how to render Project data from MPP to PDF using a REST API. The following topics shall be covered in this article: Document Viewer REST API and Python SDK Render Project Data using a REST API Document Viewer REST API and Python SDK For rendering MPP or MPT documents, I will be using the Python SDK of GroupDocs.
· Muzammil Khan · 3 min

Edit Word or Excel Documents using REST API

As a Python developer, you may need to edit Word or Excel documents programmatically. You can update such documents without installing any external application. This article will be focusing on how to edit Word or Excel documents using a REST API. The following topics shall be covered in this article: Document Editor REST API and Python SDK Edit Word Document using a REST API Edit Excel Sheet using a REST API Document Editor REST API and Python SDK For editing Word documents or Excel sheets, I will be using the Python SDK of GroupDocs.
· Muzammil Khan · 3 min

Find and Replace Watermark using REST API

A watermark is a superimposed image or text used to display in documents for various purposes. Sometimes, you may need to replace or edit the inserted watermark with a new text or image. This article will be focusing on how to find and replace watermark text or images using a REST API. The following topics shall be covered in this article: Watermark REST API and .NET SDK Find and Replace Text Watermark using a REST API Find and Replace Watermark Image using a REST API Watermark REST API and .
· Muzammil Khan · 3 min