Guys, old days’ tedious job of signing a document is gone, when you used to print, sign, scan and post the documents. Now in this digital era online document signing options made life easier. And GroupDocs.Signature Cloud REST API is tested and reliable e-Signature REST API to add the power of electronic signatures in your applications without installing any third-party software. It helps you to electronically secure your documents by applying Text, Stamp, QR-Code, Barcode, Image and Digital Signatures. New version of GroupDocs.Signature Cloud 19.5 is released.
Please check the detailed release notes of this version to get an idea about all the new features/enhancements made in this release.
What’s New
API Version - Introduced API version V2
Authentication - JWT(JSON Web Token) authentication
Signature API - Simplified API methods to create, verify and search for signatures, same as getting additional information of documents
File API – Introduced methods for upload, download, copy, move, delete files : input documents and rendering results, in the cloud storage
Folder API - Introduced methods for create, copy, move, delete folders in the cloud storage
Storage API - Introduced methods for getting storage information and file information
How it Works
The major change in this release is the introduction of V2 API version, it is all new API version. It is more simplified API with less methods and options. Also, it has more optimized and refined internal architecture. In this version, the API includes methods for working with cloud storage. So you can perform storage operations using GroupDocs.Signature Cloud REST API instead of using separate API.
Here we will show you how GroupDocs.Signature Cloud V2 API version works and it is different than V1. We will add Barcode signature in a Word document using V1 and V2 by following these steps:
- Retrieve Access Token
- Upload source document to Storage
- Add BarCode Signature to source document
You can notice from following cURL examples that we have used JWT authentication in V2 example. Please note OAuth 2.0 and URL signing request authentication methods of V1 API version are not supported in V2 anymore. Now, V2 API version supports JWT(JSON Web Token) authentication.
In new release method we used File method of the V2 API for uploading file to storage instead of GroupDocs.Storage Cloud method. And the last difference from following examples, but not least, in V2 a single API create is used for all supported signature types by passing signature details as parameter. However, in V1 we used to call different APIs for each signature type.
V1.1 Example
### Retrieve access token | |
### TODO: Get your AppSID and AppKey at (free registration is required). | |
curl "" | |
-X POST | |
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=[APP_SID]&client_secret=[APP_KEY]" | |
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" | |
-H "Accept: application/json" | |
### Upload file to Aspose Cloud Storage | |
curl "" | |
-X PUT | |
-T C:/Temp/one-page.docx | |
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" | |
-H "Accept: application/json" | |
-H "Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]" | |
### Add Barcode Signature to Document | |
curl "" | |
-X POST | |
-H "accept: application/json" | |
-H "Content-Type: application/json" | |
-H "authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]" | |
-d "{"BarcodeTypeName": "Code128","BorderVisiblity" : true,"BorderDashStyle" : "DashDotDot","BorderWeight" : 1,"Opacity" : 0.5,"Margin": {"All": 0,"Left": 0,"Top": 0,"Right": 0,"Bottom": 0},"SheetNumber": 1,"RowNumber": 11,"ColumnNumber": 22,"BorderVisiblity": true,"BorderDashStyle": 5,"BorderTransparency": 0.0,"BorderWeight": 1.0,"BackgroundTransparency": 0.1,"SignatureImplementation": "TextStamp","Text": "John Smith","Width": 100,"Height": 100,"LocationMeasureType": "Pixels","SizeMeasureType": "Pixels","RotationAngle": 0,"HorizontalAlignment": "Right","VerticalAlignment": "Center","MarginMeasureType": "Pixels","SignAllPages": false,"Font": {"FontFamily": "Times New Roman","FontSize": 14.0,"Bold": false,"Italic": false,"Underline": false},"ForeColor": {"Web": "Black"},"BorderColor": {"Web": "Black"},"BackgroundColor": {"Web": "OrangeRed"},"OptionsType": "WordsSignBarcodeOptionsData"}" |
V2.0 Example
### Retrieve access token JWT(JSON Web Token) | |
### TODO: Get your AppSID and AppKey at (free registration is required). | |
curl -v "" | |
-X POST | |
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" | |
-D "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=[APP_SID]&client_secret=[APP_KEY]" | |
### Upload file into the storage | |
curl --request POST "" | |
--header "authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]" | |
--data-binary @"c:\temp\one-page.docx" | |
### Add Barcode Signature to Document | |
curl "" | |
-X POST | |
-H "accept: application/json" | |
-H "authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN(JWT)]" | |
-H "Content-Type: application/json" | |
-d "{"FileInfo": { "FilePath": "one-page.docx", "StorageName": "", "VersionId": "", "Password": "" }, "SaveOptions": { "OverwriteExisting": true, "OutputFilePath": "result-one-page.docx", "SaveFormat": "docx" }, "SignOptions": [ { "DocumentType": "WordProcessing", "SignatureType": "Barcode", "Page": 1, "AllPages": false, "PagesSetup": { "FirstPage": false, "LastPage": true, "OddPages": false, "EvenPages": true, "PageNumbers": [1] }, "Text": "John Smith", "BarcodeType": "Code128", "Left": 2, "Top": 2, "Width": 200, "Height": 100, "Stretch": "None", "RotationAngle": 45, "HorizontalAlignment": "Left", "VerticalAlignment": "Center", "LocationMeasureType": "Pixels", "SizeMeasureType": "Pixels", "Margin": { "All": 5, "Left": 5, "Top": 5, "Right": 5, "Bottom": 5 }, "MarginMeasureType": "Pixels", "Font": { "FontFamily": "Times New Roman", "FontSize": 14.0, "Bold": false, "Italic": false, "Underline": false }, "ForeColor": { "Web": "DarkOrange" }, "BorderColor": { "Web": "DarkOrange", "Alpha": "20", }, "BackgroundBrush": { "Color": {"Web": "DarkBlue"}, "BrushType": "SolidBrush" }, "BorderVisiblity": true, "BorderDashStyle": "Dash", "BorderTransparency": 0.55, "BorderWeight": 12.0, "BackgroundTransparency": 0.8, "TextHorizontalAlignment": "Left", "TextVerticalAlignment": "Top", "Opacity": 0.5, "CodeTextAlignment": "Below", "InnerMargins": { "All": 5, "Left": 5, "Top": 5, "Right": 5, "Bottom": 5 },} ]}" |
Provide Feedback
Feel free to drop us a comment below sharing your thoughts about the new version of GroupDocs.Signature Cloud 19.5. Or visit our Support Forum and let us know if you have any suggestions or if you need any particular features/improvement which you expect our API to have.
And if you have not already had a chance to try our REST API, simply start a free trial today. All you need is to sign up with the Once you have signed up, you are ready to try the powerful file processing features offered by