
Next Generation GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud is Coming Soon

We are pleased to inform you that the first release of the Next Generation GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud REST API is going to be released in a few days. The GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud is a platform independent document manipulation REST API, that can be used with any language. It will be available very soon to be integrated with your applications for seamless performance and document conversion features utilization, using a simple set of requests.
· Muhammad Rizwan · 3 min

Next Generation GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud is Coming Soon

GroupDocs team is glad to inform you that the first release of Next Generation GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud is about to launch. GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud will be available very soon to be consumed in your applications. The API will allow you to add documents Viewer functionality to your application using a simple set of requests. What is GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud GroupDocs.Viewer Cloud REST API seamlessly enhances your application with the capability to render over 50 types of documents and images.
· Muhammad Rizwan · 2 min