How to Convert XML to CSV and CSV to XML in Python

Convert XML to CSV and CSV to XML in Python

XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. It was designed for storing and transporting data. It is a very simple and flexible text format for representing structured information. A CSV (comma separated values) file is a plain text file that contains records of data with comma separated values. An XML is more readable file format than a plain CSV file while CSV is significantly smaller than XML. In certain cases, you may need to change XML to CSV file, or vice versa. In this blog post, we will cover how to convert XML to CSV and CSV to XML in Python using REST API.

The following topics are covered in this blog post:

XML to CSV and CSV to XML Conversion API – Installation

For converting XML to CSV online, or vice versa, I will be using Python SDK of GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud API. This Python document conversion library is a platform-independent open-source library and file format conversion service. It is 100% free, secure and easy to use Python library for converting file formats. It enables you to convert supported formats to any other format programmatically on the cloud.

You can integrate online file conversion API into your Python project to convert various file formats executing the below command:

pip install groupdocs_converison_cloud

Then, get your Client ID and Client Secret from the dashboard before you start following the steps and available python code samples. After you have collected Client ID and Client Secret, please add the below python script in your project:

# Import Python SDK in your python application from
import groupdocs_conversion_cloud
# Get client_id and client_secret from after free registration.
client_id = "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
client_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
# Get File API configurations
configuration = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.Configuration(client_id, client_secret)
configuration.api_base_url = ""
storage_name = "InternalStorage"

How to Convert XML to CSV in Python using REST API

For converting XML to CSV in Python programmatically on the cloud, follow the steps mentioned below. Firstly, upload the XML file to the cloud using the code sample. As a result, the uploaded XML file will be available in the files section of your dashboard on the cloud.

Next, import XML file to CSV in Python programmatically by following the steps as given below:

  • Create an instance of the ConvertApi
  • Create an instance of the ConvertSettings
  • Set storage name and the input XML file path
  • Next, assign “csv” to the format
  • Now, provide the resultant CSV file path
  • Create ConvertDocumentRequest with ConvertSettings
  • Finally, perform conversion by calling the convertDocument() method with ConvertDocumentRequest

The following code snippet shows how to convert XML to CSV in python script using REST API:

# How to Convert XML to CSV Online in Python using REST API
# Create an instance of the API
convert_api = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertApi.from_keys(client_id, client_secret)
# Define convert settings
settings = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertSettings()
settings.storage_name = storage_name
settings.file_path = "python-testing/input-sample-file.xml"
settings.format = "csv"
settings.output_path = "python-testing/output-sample-file.csv"
request = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertDocumentRequest(settings)
response = convert_api.convert_document(request)
print("Successfully converted XML file to CSV format in Python: " + str(response))
except groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ApiException as e:
print("Exception while calling API: {0}".format(e.message))
How to convert XML file to CSV in Python

XML to CSV conversion in Python

Finally, you can download the converted CSV file using the download file code snippet.

How to Convert CSV to XML in Python using REST API

Next, transform CSV to XML in Python programmatically on the cloud by following the steps as given below:

  • Create an instance of the ConvertApi
  • Create an instance of the ConvertSettings
  • Set storage name and the input CSV file path
  • Assign “xml” to the format
  • Now, provide the output xml file path
  • Create ConvertDocumentRequest with ConvertSettings
  • Convert by calling the convertDocument() method with ConvertDocumentRequest

Follow already convered steps to upload the input file and then to download the converted XML file. The following code sample shows how to convert CSV file to XML online in Python using REST API:

# How to Convert CSV to XML in Python using REST API
# Create an instance of the API
convert_api = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertApi.from_keys(client_id, client_secret)
# Define convert settings
settings = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertSettings()
settings.storage_name = storage_name
settings.file_path = "python-testing/input-sample-file.csv"
settings.format = "xml"
settings.output_path = "python-testing/output-sample-file.xml"
request = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertDocumentRequest(settings)
response = convert_api.convert_document(request)
print("Successfully converted large XML to CSV in Python: " + str(response))
except groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ApiException as e:
print("Exception while calling API: {0}".format(e.message))
How to convert  CSV to XML in python

How to change CSV to XML file using Python

Online XML to CSV Converter Free

How to convert XML file to CSV Free? Please try the following free XML to CSV converter online to convert large XML to CSV, which is developed using the above API.

Free CSV to XML Converter Online

How to convert CSV to XML Free? Please try the following CSV to XML converter free online, which is developed using the above API.

Summing up

Let’s end this blog post here. To summarize, what you have learned:

  • how to convert XML to CSV online in Python;
  • Programmatically converting CSV to XML file online in Python;
  • online python XML to CSV converter and free online CSV to XML converter;

Nonetheless, you may consider downloading the complete source code of Python SDK from GitHub and updating it as per your requirements. Moreover, you can explore more advanced conversion solutions using the documentation. We also support an API Reference section that allows you to visualize and interact with our APIs directly through the browser.

Finally, is writing new blog articles on online file converter between multiple file formats. So, please stay in touch for regular updates.

Ask a question

For queries/discussions about XML to CSV converter, or vice versa, feel free to visit our Free Support Forum.


How do I convert an XML File to CSV in python, or vice versa?

Please follow this link to learn the Python code snippet for how to turn XML into CSV easily.

Can you convert large XML file to CSV in python using REST API?

Create an instance of ConvertApi, set the values of the convert settings and invoke the convertDocument method with ConvertDocumentRequest to import an XML file into CSV. This is quite easy to convert XML to CSV file.

How do I convert XML to CSV online free?

Online XML to CSV converter software allows you to convert XML to CSV free, easily and quickly. Once the XML to CSV conversion is completed, you can download the converted CSV file from the cloud storage.

How to install XML to CSV converter free download library?

Install and download XML to CSV converter tool Python library to create, and process XML to CSV conversion programmatically.

Is it safe to use CSV to XML converter free online?

Yes, It’s secure to convert an XML file to a CSV file as the uploaded files will be deleted after 24 hours.

See Also

We also recommend visiting the following links to learn more about: