PDF is a one of the most commonly used file format today that provides cross platform support. But it is difficult to link to a specific page in a PDF document and PDF files are not easily shared on social networks. You can keep the look and feel of PDF document in the HTML format that can be manipulated quickly. In this article, we will learn how to convert PDF files to HTML in Python.

The following topics shall be covered in this article:

Python PDF to HTML Converter API – Installation

In order to convert PDF file to HTML web pages, we will be using the Python SDK of GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud API. It is a feature-rich, platform independent documents and images conversion Python library. It provides quick conversion of images and documents of any supported file format to any format in high-quality.

You can install and integrate PDF to HTML conversion Python library into your Python applications using the following command in the console:

pip install groupdocs_conversion_cloud

Please get your Client ID and Secret from the dashboard before following the mentioned steps. Once you have your ID and secret, add code in your python application:

# Load Python library for PDF to HTML conversion in python application
import groupdocs_conversion_cloud
# Get client_id and client_secret from https://dashboard.groupdocs.cloud after free registration.
client_id = "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
client_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
# Get different configurations
configuration = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.Configuration(client_id, client_secret)
configuration.api_base_url = "https://api.groupdocs.cloud"
your_storage = "groupdocs-storage-name"

Now, let’s demonstrate how to convert pdf to html format step by step using REST API in Python.

How to Convert PDF to HTML Online in Python using REST API

We can convert pdf file to html format programmatically by following the simple steps given below:

  • Firstly, create an instance of the ConvertApi
  • Then, create convert settings instance using ConvertSettings
  • Next, provide the files storage name
  • Set input PDF file path and output format as “html”
  • Next, create an instance of the PdfLoadOptions.
  • Provide the PDF file password
  • Then, set the output_path and load_options
  • After that, create the ConvertDocumentRequest with ConvertSettings as an argument
  • Finally, convert pdf to html by calling the convert_document() with ConvertDocumentRequest

The following code sample shows how to change pdf to html format in Python:

# How to Python Convert PDF to HTML Online
# Create an instance of the API
convert_api = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertApi.from_keys(client_id, client_secret)
# Define convert settings
settings = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertSettings()
settings.storage_name = your_storage
settings.file_path = "python-testing/sample-pdf-file.pdf"
settings.format = "html"
loadOptions = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.PdfLoadOptions()
loadOptions.password = "password"
settings.load_options = loadOptions
settings.output_path = "python-testing"
# Create convert document request
request = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertDocumentRequest(settings)
# Convert .pdf file to HTML web page
result = convert_api.convert_document(request)
print("pdf File converted to html successfully: " + result[0].path)
except groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling convert_document: {0}".format(e.message))

Finally, the above code sample will save the HTML file on the cloud. This is the best way to convert pdf to html document.

How to Convert PDF Files to HTML in Python

How to Convert PDF Files to HTML in Python

Convert Range of Pages from PDF File to HTML File in Python

We can convert range of pages of a PDF document to HTML by following the steps given below:

  • First, create an instance of the ConvertApi
  • Then, create convert settings instance using ConvertSettings
  • Next, provide the your cloud storage name
  • Set input PDF file path and output format as “html”
  • Next, create an instance of the HtmlConvertOptions
  • Set the from_page and pages_count options
  • Then, set the output path and convertOptions
  • Now, create the ConvertDocumentRequest with ConvertSettings as an argument
  • Finally, convert pdf to html code online by calling the convert_document() method with ConvertDocumentRequest

The following code sample shows how to convert a range of pages from PDF document to HTML file using Python:

# How to Convert Range of Pages from PDF to HTML in Python
# Create an instance of API
convert_api = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertApi.from_keys(client_id, client_secret)
# Prepare html convert settings
settings = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertSettings()
settings.storage_name = your_storage
settings.file_path = "python-testing/sample-pdf-file.pdf"
settings.format = "html"
# PDF convert options: start page number and total pages to convert
convertOptions = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.HtmlConvertOptions()
convertOptions.from_page = 1
convertOptions.pages_count = 1
settings.convert_options = convertOptions
settings.output_path = "python-testing"
# Create convert document request
request = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertDocumentRequest(settings)
# Convert pages of PDF to HTML file
result = convert_api.convert_document(request)
print("Converted range of pages from PDF to HTML web page: " + result[0].path)

Finally, the above code sample will save document after converting from pdf to html online on the cloud.

Convert Specific Pages from PDF to HTML format in Python

We can convert specific pages of a PDF document to HTML using best pdf to html converter online with images by following the steps given below:

  • First, create an instance of the ConvertApi
  • Then, create convert settings instance using ConvertSettings
  • Next, provide the your cloud storage name
  • Set input PDF file path and output format as “html”
  • Next, create an instance of the HtmlConvertOptions
  • Add the page number to convert in array format
  • Then, set the output path and convertOptions
  • Now, create the ConvertDocumentRequest with ConvertSettings as an argument
  • Finally, convert pdf to html code online by calling the convert_document() method with ConvertDocumentRequest

The following code sample shows how to export certain pages of a PDF document to HTML file using Python:

# How to Convert Specific Pages of PDF file to HTML web page format in Python
# Create an instance of API
convert_api = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertApi.from_keys(client_id, client_secret)
# Define convert settings
settings = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertSettings()
settings.storage_name = your_storage
settings.file_path = "python-testing/sample-pdf-file.pdf"
settings.format = "html"
# PDF convert options: page numbers to convert
convertOptions = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.HtmlConvertOptions()
convertOptions.pages = [1, 3, 5]
settings.convert_options = convertOptions
settings.output_path = "python-testing"
# Create convert document request
request = groupdocs_conversion_cloud.ConvertDocumentRequest(settings)
# Convert PDF file to HTML file
result = convert_api.convert_document(request)
print("Successfully converted PDF file to HTML document: " + result[0].path)

Finally, the above code sample will convert pdf to html with images on the cloud. There is an online pdf to html code converter as explained below.

Online PDF to HTML Converter for Free

What is the best PDF to HTML converter? Groupdocs.Conversion provides best pdf to html converter online free for you to convert PDF to HTML format. It has been developed using the Groupdocs.Conversion online pdf to html API.


In this article, you have learned:

  • how to convert pdf to html without losing formatting in Python;
  • how to convert pdf to html file by range using Python;
  • converting specific PDF pages to HTML format in Python;
  • free online pdf to html converter;

In addition, you can learn more about GroupDocs.Conversion file format conversion API using the documentation.

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You can ask your queries about how to convert pdf file to html format, via our Free Support Forum

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