Free Online DOCX Parser is designed to extract text, images and pictures from DOCX or DOC.

Parse Word Documents using REST API in Python

In various cases, we may need to parse Word documents and extract images or text. Extraction of images and text from Word documents can be helpful to analyze the text, reuse or combine them into other documents. We can easily parse DOC or DOCX files and extract all the images/text programmatically on the cloud. In this article, we will learn how to parse Word documents using a REST API in Python.

The following topics shall be covered in this article:

Word Document Parser REST API and Python SDK

For parsing Word documents, we will be using the Python SDK of GroupDocs.Parser Cloud API. Please install it using the following command in the console to parse a document:

pip install groupdocs_parser_cloud

Please get your Client ID and Secret from the dashboard before following the mentioned steps. Once you have your ID and secret, add in the code as shown below:

client_id = "da0c487d-c1c0-45ae-b7bf-43eaf53c5ad5"
client_secret = "479db2b01dcb93a3d4d20efb16dea971"
configuration = groupdocs_parser_cloud.Configuration(client_id, client_secret)
configuration.api_base_url = ""
my_storage = ""

Parse Word Documents and Extract Images using REST API in Python

We can parse Word documents and extract images programmatically by following the steps given below:

Upload the Document

Firstly, we will upload the Word document (DOCX) to the Cloud using the code example given below:

# Create instance of the API
file_api = groupdocs_parser_cloud.FileApi.from_config(configuration)
# Create upload file request
request = groupdocs_parser_cloud.UploadFileRequest("sample.docx", "C:\\Files\\parser\\sample.docx", my_storage)
# Upload file
response = file_api.upload_file(request)

As a result, the uploaded DOCX file will be available in the files section of the dashboard on the cloud.

Extract Images from Word Documents using Python

We can easily extract all the images from Word documents programmatically by following the steps given below.

  • Firstly, create an instance of the ParseApi.
  • Next, create an instance of the FileInfo.
  • Then, set path to the input DOCX file.
  • Next, create an instance of the ImageOptions.
  • Then, assign FileInfo to the ImageOptions.
  • After that, create ImagesRequest with ImageOptions as argument.
  • Finally, extract images by calling the ParseApi.images() method with ImageRequest.

The following code sample shows how to extract images from a DOCX file using document parsing REST API in Python.

# API initialization
parseApi = groupdocs_parser_cloud.ParseApi.from_config(configuration)
# Define image options
options = groupdocs_parser_cloud.ImagesOptions()
options.file_info = groupdocs_parser_cloud.FileInfo()
options.file_info.file_path = "sample.docx"
# Create images request
request = groupdocs_parser_cloud.ImagesRequest(options)
# Get images
result = parseApi.images(request)
Parse Word DOCX and extract Images using python parse word docx

Parse Word Documents and Extract Images using Word Parser Online REST API in Python.

Download Extracted Images

The above code sample will save the extracted images with word file parser on the cloud. We can download these images using the code example given below:

# API initializations
file_api = groupdocs_parser_cloud.FileApi.from_config(configuration)
folder_api = groupdocs_parser_cloud.FolderApi.from_config(configuration)
# Get files list
request = groupdocs_parser_cloud.GetFilesListRequest("parser/images/sample_docx/", my_storage);
response = folder_api.get_files_list(request)
# Download images one by one
for data in response.value:
# Create download file request
request = groupdocs_parser_cloud.DownloadFileRequest(data.path, my_storage)
# Download file
response = file_api.download_file(request)
# Move downloaded file to your working directory
shutil.move(response, "C:\\Files\\parser\\")

Extract Text from Word Documents using REST API in Python

We can easily extract all the text from Word documents programmatically by following the steps given below.

  • Firstly, create an instance of the ParseApi.
  • Next, create an instance of the FileInfo.
  • Then, set path to the input DOCX file.
  • Next, create an instance of the TextOptions.
  • Then, assign FileInfo to the TextOptions.
  • After that, create TextRequest with TextOptions as argument.
  • Finally, get results by calling the ParseApi.text() method with TextRequest.

The following code example shows how to extract text from a DOCX file using docx parser REST API.

# API initialization
parseApi = groupdocs_parser_cloud.ParseApi.from_config(configuration)
# Define text options
options = groupdocs_parser_cloud.TextOptions()
options.file_info = groupdocs_parser_cloud.FileInfo()
options.file_info.file_path = "sample.docx"
# Create text request
request = groupdocs_parser_cloud.TextRequest(options)
# Get text
result = parseApi.text(request)
print("Text: " + result.text)
Extract Text from Word Documents  DOCX  using REST API in Python

Extract Text from Word Documents using REST API in Python.

Try Online

How to use document parsing software online free? Please try the following free online DOCX Parsing tool, which is developed using the above parse word document python API.


In this article, we have learned how to parse Word documents using word parser on the cloud. We have also seen how to extract images and text from DOCX files using parse docx Python. This article also explained how to programmatically upload a DOCX file to the cloud and download the extracted images from the Cloud. Besides, you can learn more about GroupDocs.Parser Cloud API using the documentation. We also provide an API Reference section that lets you visualize and interact with our APIs directly through the browser. In case of any ambiguity about document parsing and parsing files, please feel free to contact us on the forum.

See Also