html to powerpoint

Convert HTML to PPTX using C# .NET.

The ability to convert HTML content into PowerPoint presentations is becoming increasingly important for professionals and developers alike. Whether you need to present web-based data, create dynamic reports, or repurpose online content for meetings and conferences, the conversion of HTML to PowerPoint ensures that your information is both visually engaging and easily digestible.

API for HTML to PowerPoint Conversion

By leveraging the capabilities of GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud SDK for .NET, you can streamline the HTML to PPT transformation, making it easier to integrate HTML content into your PowerPoint presentations efficiently and effectively. The SDK also supports a wide range of file types, including but not limited to DOCX, PDF, PPTX, XLSX, HTML, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF.

Firstly, we need to install the SDK by searching GroupDocs.Conversion-Cloud in NuGet package manager and click the Install button. Another option is to execute the following command in package manager console.

NuGet\Install-Package GroupDocs.Conversion-Cloud -Version 24.2.0

Once the installation is completed, please obtain your personalized API credentials(i.e. Client ID and Client Secret). You may visit this short tutorial explaining the details on how to get the API credentials.

Embed Webpage into PowerPoint in C#

This section explains the details on how we can easily automate the conversion of HTML to PowerPoint using C# .NET.

  1. Create an instance of Configuration class where we pass client credentials as arguments.
var configurations = new Configuration(clientId, clientSecret1);
  1. Initialize the ConvertApi where we pass Configuration object as an input argument.
var apiInstance = new ConvertApi(configurations);
  1. Upload the input HTML file to the cloud storage.
fileUpload.UploadFile(new UploadFileRequest("sourceFile.html", stream));
  1. Create an instance ConvertSettings where we specify the name for input HTML, resultant format as ppt and the name for resultant PowerPoint presentation as arguments.
var settings = new ConvertSettings{...}
  1. Call the ConvertDocumentRequest API to embed HTML into PowerPoint format and save the resultant PPT to the cloud storage.
var response = apiInstance.ConvertDocument(new ConvertDocumentRequest(settings));
html to ppt

Image:- A preview of HTML to PowerPoint conversion.

The resultant PowerPoint presentation generated in the above example can be downloaded from converted.ppt.

Insert HTML in PowerPoint using cURL commands

Alternatively, we can use cURL commands and GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud API to transform HTML to PowerPoint. It’s a straightforward and efficient approach for developers who prefer a command-line interface or need to integrate this functionality into their automated scripts. The cURL commands provide simplicity and ease of use, platform independence, flexibility and allows scalable processing of large volumes of files without the need for local infrastructure, enhancing efficiency and performance.

The first step in this approach is to generate a JWT access token and then, execute the following cURL command to insert the webpage into PowerPoint presentation and save the resultant PowerPoint in cloud storage.

curl -v "" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{  \"StorageName\": \"default\",  \"FilePath\": \"{sourceHTML}\",  \"Format\": \"ppt\",  \"OutputPath\": \"{resultantFile}\"}"

Please replace sourceHTML with the name of input HTML file, resultantFile with the name of resultant PowerPoint presentation and accessToken with personalized JWT access token.

  • If you want to save the resultant PowerPoint on local drive, please try using the following cURL command.
curl -v "" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "authorization: Bearer {accessToken}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{  \"StorageName\": \"default\",  \"FilePath\": \"{sourceHTML}\",  \"Format\": \"ppt\"}" \
-o "output.ppt"

HTML to PPT Converter

In order to experience the capabilities of GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud REST API, you may consider using our free HTML to PowerPoint Converter. Its a lightweight and super-efficient App, enabling you to experience the powerful capabilities of API within a web browser.

html to pptx app


We have learned that GroupDocs.Conversion Cloud SDK for .NET provides a powerful and flexible API that simplifies the conversion process, ensuring high-quality and accurate results. We encourage you to explore these options and choose the one that best fits your workflow and requirements, and leverage the power of cloud-based APIs to enhance your document processing capabilities.

We highly recommend visiting the following links to learn more about: